about conor

Hey! I’m Conor from St. Louis, MO (BFA 2012). I use construction materials and paint to create heavily textured, large abstracts.

My work is process focused and very physical. I work to expose colors on, over or under texture that evoke human movement, imagination and nature. 

The work is born from a combination of a life-long struggle with learning disabilities that built a vast, internal-imaginary world and my large physical size that is shown through the strong, heavy marks. 

What you’re seeing on the canvas is the translation of the internal to reality through my body - the movement, texture and heavy marks are all composed to give a sense of place or state of mind. 

My materials include construction materials (plasters & clays combined with sawdust, sand, ash, salt and dirt) mixed with paint to create heavily textured, large abstracts on board and canvas.